The program of Mechanical engineering is very popular among foreign students. There are many programs that can be studied at mechanical faculties in Slovakia such as mechatronics, automobile engineering, or applied mechanics and mechatronics.
The program of mechanical engineering in English is offered by the Technical University in Kosice and University in Zilina.
Technical University of Kosice – Mechanical engineering
University has strong cooperation with mechanical companies mainly in eastern Slovakia, such as Honeywell, Garrett, U.S.Steeel and Skoda Auto. There are also laboratories located directly at the Faculty as well in city centre (Masiarska)
Program graduates gain the knowledge of the theory of mechanical systems and their application in computational, constructional, and technological problems. They are able to design, develop, implement, expand and operate modern mechanical devices and they can cooperate with managers and specialists from other professions. They also obtain theoretical and methodical knowledge of the fields related to engineering and machines. Program graduates have improved skills in using the CAD systems, and they are introduced to the economic rules, organization and business activities in the field of mechanical production. They obtain practical experience, abilities, and skills by working in the field of construction and making documents of mechanical systems.
The Bachelor’s program takes 3 years and graduates are awarded with degree of Bakalár (Bachelor). There are 180 credits mandatory to be obtained by a student by a combination of obligatory and optional subjects.
University: Technical University of Kosice
Faculty: Faculty of mechanical engineering
Level of studies: Bachelor studies
Tuition fees: 3500€
Language of instructions: English
Form of study: full-time
Location of the Faculty: Kosice
Length of studies: 3 years
The Master’s program takes 2 years and graduates are awarded the degree of Inžinier (Engineer). There are 120 credits mandatory to graduate.
University: Technical University of Kosice
Faculty: Faculty of mechanical engineering
Level of studies: Masters studies
Tuition fees: 3500€
Language of instructions: English
Form of study: full-time
Location of the Faculty: Kosice