Master level
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University
Field: Mathematics
Form: full-time
Deadline for application: end of April
Usual duration: 2 years
Language of courses: English
Description: A graduate of the master’s program Mathematical Economics, Finance and Modelling has a broad knowledge base in mathematical disciplines such as mathematical analysis, linear algebra and geometry, differential and differential equations, numerical methods, probability and statistics. In the field of modeling economic and financial processes, he has a quality education in the fields of mathematical economics, financial mathematics, risk analysis and mathematical methods in insurance. In the field of mathematical modeling, the graduate masters the methods of creating models and their mathematical-computer analysis with applications in physical, engineering and biomathematical modeling. Masters advanced optimization methods with applications in large-scale calculations and data analysis. The graduate masters at an advanced level computer work, programming and working with modern mathematical, statistical and financial software such as Python, Matlab, R, SAS and others. The content focus of diploma theses is mainly focused on the applications of mathematical and statistical methods in the field of mathematical modeling, econometrics, financial mathematics, insurance and other related fields. This program is a comprehensive program of teaching mathematics and mathematical methods used in economics and finance, as well as in the natural and technical sciences. A deep understanding of mathematical basics forms the basis for teaching applied subjects, considerable emphasis is placed on mastering work with computers and foreign language literature. The program in this way combining mathematics, economics and finance is the first of its kind in Slovakia and the modernity of its concept is exceptional on an international scale. His work has been consulted with renowned experts in the field of economics and finance from abroad.