Jobs after graduation
After graduation, you may apply for full-time position in Slovakia. The benefit is, that you do not need to ask for work permit and may apply directly to job position. Here is the process how to do it.
Firstly you need to have job contract or promise from the employer that the job will be given after positive decision of the Foreign police. You may apply for Residence permit at foreign police latest 30 days from graduation at University. If you pass this limit, getting RP for employment may be very difficult.
Important: dont forget, that after graduation you have 5 days to report successful graduation at the Foreign police. If you dont report, you risk penalty up to 165€
Which documents will you need?
RP form
2 passport photos
job contract or promise from the employer that you will be employed after graduation
accommodation contract – minimum lenght of the contract is 6 month and it must be in Slovak language
minimum funds for staying in Slovakia: 12x minimum balance for living (around 2600€)
confirmation of payment of administrative fee of 165,50€
All documents must be in Slovakia (or translated by sworn translator). Documents cannot have more than 90 days on the day of submission at foreign police (both day of issue and day of application are included). There are some special companies that are processed faster by foreign police (police must decide within 30 days). You can download the list here: strategicke centra
The police will decide within 90 days from an application. You are not allowed to work before the decision is made, but you can legally stay in Slovakia.
There is a possibility to use free consultations of IOM in Kosice and Bratislava.
Part-time jobs for students
This article covers solely problematics of part-time jobs for students from 3rd countries. Conditions for citizens from the European Union and European Economic Area are different!
When a student from 3rd country receives Residence Permit card, he/she is entitled also to have a part-time job in Slovakia (we call Part-time job – “Čiastočný úväzok” in the Slovak language). There are following limits: students of secondary schools in Slovakia may work up to 10 hours a week (on average in one year), while students of universities or colleges are entitled to work up to 20 hours a week (on average in one year).
In the recent years, number of foreigners in Slovakia is growing rapidly. In 2015, there were 84787 foreigners (42% of them were from the 3rd countries); in 2016 this number grew to 87966 (42.3% of them were from the third countries). Most foreigners find jobs in the automotive industry (Peugeot, KIA, Jaguar, Volkswagen and their suppliers) and international companies such as IBM, T-Systems, Delloite, Amazon and others.
There are three options for foreign students:
- Low-qualified jobs (such as manual jobs, cashier, fast-food jobs): average wages for low-qualified jobs are around 2.5-3.00€ per hour. Most usually basics of Slovak language are required – not all managers speak English language, so it is natural, that they will require at least A2 level of speaking and understanding. These jobs are very popular also among Slovak students and there might be a big competition for the free vacancy.
- High-qualified job (such as IT jobs, CNC operator, team leader etc): high-qualified jobs are much better paid and provide also great perspectives for a future careers. Employers are looking for graduates, who already have relevant job experience and they do not need to invest more money to their qualification. Moreover, employers may be willing to turn student´s part-time job to full-time job after graduation.
- Internships: this option is appreciated especially by employers. The idea of an internship is to provide your free time in exchange for knowledge and skills, which help you to get a job in the future. If a student is not able to find a part-time job during studies, we strongly recommend him/her to apply for an internship and raise chances for employment. You can search for internships and other positions on AZU website: or contact companies in your city and ask them if they provide internships for students.
Slovak language skills
As we mentioned already, even for low-qualified jobs, at least level A2 of Slovak language proficiency is required. We strongly recommend buying one of the Slovak coursebooks here and practice at least 1 hour a day. You can find many useful sources also on
Where to look for part-time jobs during studies?
- Low-qualifies jobs: If you would like to apply for a low-qualified job, you can either search online or visit recruitment companies, which provides part-time jobs especially for students. Not all positions are listed online, so we strongly recommend to visit the closest branch of such a company in person. The most popular recruitment companies for students are 1. Študentský servis (branches in Kosice: Jedlíková 5, Krivá 23; branches in Bratislava: Vajnorská 49, Staré Grunty 36) – website: (at least B2 level of Slovak is required). 2. The most relevant websites for finding a part-time job online are: and
- High-qualified jobs: students qualified enough may apply directly to companies, which have part-time jobs opportunities for students. If you wish to apply to high-qualified jobs, most usually 2 documents will be needed to apply: Curriculum vitae and covering letter. Both documents should contain only relevant and tailored information for the position you wish to apply (do not forget to mention all jobs you had in the past; relevant projects you took part and skills that make you the best candidate). We also recommend spending more time with for
mating of CV. Some companies (such as Profesia) have online editors for CV which generate professional-looking CVs.
Currently, there is a big demand for IT and technical positions in Slovakia. Students can either apply directly to companies they wish to work for or use services of recruitment companies. These recruitment companies are usually specialised for high-qualified jobs. We recommend visiting these recruitment companies in person, so you can get all the needed information instantly. Very popular recruitment agencies in Slovakia are: Adecco – English friendly agency (branch in Kosice: Mlynská 28; branches in Bratislava: Prievozská 4, Mlynské nivy 45, Zelinárska 2); Edymax/McRoy – minimum level of Slovak language of B2 is needed (branch in Kosice: Mlynská 27, branch in Bratislava: Pribinova 4 (shopping mall Eurovea); Atena – at least level of B2 of Slovak language is needed (branch in Kosice: Mlynská 27, branch in Bratislava: Stromová 4) and Manpower – English friendly(branch in Kosice: Hlavná 24, branch in Bratislava: Dúbravská cesta 14, Lazaretská 8), Personel Efekt – English friendly Werferova 1, Košice or Slovenská 69 Prešov and Grafton Recruitment – English friendly – Murgašova 3, Košice or Obchodná 2, Bratislava. You can also visit Xawax – Hlavná 82, Kosice or Trenkwalder (Okružná 11 Michalovce and Mickiewiczova 9, Bratislava), STARSTAFF (Seberiniho 1 Bratislava or Hlavná 93, Košice), Arios Human Resources (Rozvojova 2, Košice) or Datur Group (Pod Furčou 7, Košice) You can also search online – the biggest portal for jobs in Slovakia is Profesia: or Careerjet (click to Čiastočný úväzok on the left side of the screen to get Part-time jobs).
Warning: do not pay any fee for listing in databases of a company before you get any job.Applying directly to companies in Slovakia
IT companies: Currently, there is a big demand for IT and technical positions in Slovakia. Applying directly may be a great idea. Companies that offer job opportunties for students are cooperating with IT Valley (Letna 9) – you can find updated list of companies under this link: - T-Systems: international company with hundreds of job opportunities in Kosice. Click on this link to browse current positions:
- VSE holding: part of Inogy, the international company running a business in energetics. They offer interesting opportunities for university students
- Global Logic: company with 11000 employees worldwide. They offer vacancies also in Kosice
- Amazon: a worldwide company and one of the global leaders in e-commerce. Opportunities mainly in Bratislava
- PJ Servis: provider of various part-time jobs in Bratislava, many foreign students worked there already :
Mechanical engineering companies: there are many companies in eastern Slovakia in the industry of mechanical engineering. Here is the list of the most important:
- Valeo – supplier of BMW, Volkswagen, Audi a Škoda.
- Spinea Prešov is a modern engineering company, engaged in development, manufacturing and sales of high-precision reduction gears, which are sold under the trademark TwinSpin
- Honeywell – great opportunity for mechanical engineers – branches in Prešov/Záborské and Bratislava
- U. S. Steel
- Offers by Mechanical faculty TUKE:
- Offers by Mechanical faculty STUBA:
- Offers by Mechanical faculty UNIZA:
Kechnec – Industrial park – list of companies
- Getrag Ford Transmissions –
- Kuenz-SK –
- Magnetti Marelli SK –
- Crown Bevcan Slovakia
- Schelling Slovakia –
- ALAS Slovakia – contruction company – offering various electrical engineering or mechanical engineering jobs-
Other students friendly companies in eastern Slovakia
- FPT Slovakia s.r.o. – IT company providing various vacancies and internships for students
- T-Systems – internships and part-time jobs
- PWC Price Waterhouse Coopers – economic, legal and auditors services, branches in Kosice and Bratislava
Job fairs for students
- Job Fair by American Chamber of Commerce in Kosice (Am Cham)
- Job Fair – Dni kariery – organised usually at Faculty of Economics of Technical University in Kosice