There are many students from India or other countries outside of the EU, that did first or second vaccination outside of Slovakia and now want to get 2nd or 3rd dose in Slovakia. The foreign vaccination was also not recognized, so students could not get their Digital covid passport to enter various shops or services.
It was a problem before, but now the local coordinator NCZI introduced solution for this issue as well.
The system will start working from the 9th of February 2022. The procedure will be the following:
- there will be an affidavit published soon on the website This affidavit needs to be filled and printed
- student will make copy of original confirmation of vaccination abroad and bring both original and copy
- student will bring printed and signed affidavit, original and copy of vaccination confirmation, passport and RP card to any vaccination center. Registration is not needed
- after completing 2nd or 3rd dose, the student will register at for issue of Digital Covid passport (only Slovak vaccination will be mentioned in the system)