What to do before arrival to Kosice?
Once you have your flight ticket, please me know (WhatsApp +420778891055) and Mr. Nithin (+91 6364 368 377) when are you coming exactly. It is important to know, otherwise, the dorm room might not be prepared and there will be unnecessary delays.
Can I come to other airports than Kosice?
Yes, you can also come to Vienna or Budapest. There is a shuttle bus (for 40-60€ from Budapest) or buses and trains from both Vienna and Budapest to Kosice. You can check the timetable here: www.cp.sk
Mr. Nithin will then coordinate your pickup from the train station, bus station, or airport in Kosice.
What to bring along?
Make sure to bring the original PCC, and bank declaration (they must be valid on the day of arrival to Slovakia – insert your dates here – it should be a maximum of 89 days: https://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html). Also have money for rent (3 months rent is 405€, the deposit was paid already). An adapter for a local electricity network is very useful as well. Winter in Slovakia can be from -10 to +5 Celsium, but it is more effective to buy winter clothes in Slovakia.
What should i do within 7 days after coming to Slovakia?
You can check it in our video:
What dormitories are there for international students?
If you are a student of economics or informatics, you will go to Jedlikova 13. If you are a student of Mechanical engineering, you will go to Ferka Urbanka 2 or Nemcovej 1. If you are a student of Aeronautics, you will go to Rampova 7.
How to access university portals?
For your schedule, study subjects, accommodation details, dormitory contract or schedule, please go to https://student.tuke.sk/student/home.mais?lang=en
For TUKE email, please go to: STUDENT EMAIL PORTAL
Detailed schedules: https://maisportal.tuke.sk/portal/rozvrhy.mais?lang=en
What is the monthly rent?
It’s 135€ monthly, and you need to pay it 3 months ahead (in September you pay for September, October, and November).
I paid 120€ already. Does it mean I paid the first rent?
No, the amount you paid is deducted from the rent you need to pay. The monthly rent is 135€, you need to pay for 3 months – it means 405€. As you paid 120€ , it is deducted from the 405€ (405-120€ = 285€). You need also to pay a deposit of 150€ that is refundable after your contract is over. If you don’t pay remaining rent, you cannot stay in the dorm.
How much money should I bring with me?
Please bring 435€ for rent alone. For other expenses, please bring extra.
Can I stay at the dorm for just one month?
You can, but the contract is from September 2023 to June 2024. If you cancel the contract before, you need to pay 30€ for cancellation of your contract (per month). If you cancel for example in December, you need to pay 30€x 6 = 180€ cancellation fee.
Do I pay less for the dorm, if I come in the middle of September?
No, you pay for the whole month (135€ rent covers 1.9. to 30.9.2023)
Do I need to clean my dorm room?
Yes, it is mandatory to clean. If the control from the dorm office comes and the room is not tidy, you then get penalized 20-60€. If you get penalty from the dorm office, you might be rejected from staying at dorm in the next academic year.
Can I switch my dormitory?
It is possible, only if you find someone who will switch with you (eg. you live at Jedlikova and want to go to Urbankova. You need to find someone from Urbankova, who will go to Jedlikova)
Are visits allowed at the dormitory?
Yes, it is allowed until 22:00, but you need to register your name at the reception.
Is it easy to find private accommodation in Kosice?
No, it is really difficult and expensive. There are not many affordable flats, especially in the months of September and October.
What is the security deposit for international students and when can you get it back?
It is 150€ and you will get it back when you vacate the dorm and the room is in perfect condition (or in condition is was before)
How does public transport work in Kosice?
You will pay 10€ per month and can use trams or buses in Kosice without limit. The single ticket for students is 50 cents. There are also night buses going usually once per hour. You will need ISIC card in order to use public transport for a discounted price.
The penalty for not having ticket is 60€.
What is ISIC?
It is a student card (international student card) issued by the University. It has a validity of one year (from September 23 to September 24). If you want to extend it, you need to pay enrollment fee next year. You can use ISIC for public transport, canteens, free trains or discounted offers at shops (usually 10-15% at various shops).
What is the organization of studies at TUKE?
There are 2 semesters with 13-14 weeks of classes. You have subjects in Winter semester and Summer semester. Usually, you cannot miss more than 3 classes in order to attend the exam. After teaching, there is an exam period. You can have either credit tests or exams. You get ECTS credits for completion of exams or credit tests. Also you can take some subjects in the next semester only if you complete specific subject in the previous semester (typically you can take Mathematics 2 only after completion of Mathematics 1)
What is the difference between credit tests and exams?
Can I skip my classes? Will I be allowed to exam if I skip classes?
How many credits do I need to proceed to next year?
You need 12 credits from the Winter semester and then 36 ECTS after the full year. If you don’t reach it, you are excluded from the University.
How do canteens work at TUKE?
You come and select your food and then go to the cashier. You will pay by swiping with your ISIC. You need to have a balance in your ISIC, and then the amount for food is deducted. The price of food is approximately 3-5€ after the discount. There are no spicy Indian food, unfortunately 🙂
Can I open a bank account in a local bank? What are the conditions to get a free bank account?
You need to be a student and have study confirmation. Usually, students open bank accounts in Tatra, Slovenska sporitelna, VUB or CSOB. They have various conditions to open a bank account, but a student account for students below 26 is free for all of them. FIO bank is then free for everyone, regardless the age.
Can I have part-time jobs? How many hours can I work monthly?
Yes, you can work 80 hours per month on average. Do not miss classes because of your part-time jobs.