The Faculty of arts is part of Pavel Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, the second biggest city in Slovakia.
International projects of the Faculty
The faculty is involved in plenty of international projects in Europe. The most important are SPAN (Science for Prevention academic network), which is Lifelong learning program funded by European Comision to support the establishment of prevention specialists and education, SLICE (Student life cohort in Europe) which is examing the relationship between studies and health of university students in Europe and similar project SLICE2 with the main objective as preventing students with alcohol or drugs usage. Urbanhist is a multidisciplinary research and training program run by four universities in Germany, Spain, Slovakia, and Sweden in cooperation with 13 partner-organizations and funded within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action – Innovative Training Networks (ITN) as European Joint Doctorate (EJD). It aims to develop and sustainably promote a joint understanding of 20th century urbanism in Europe. It focuses on european urbanism, political and development strategies and public infrastructure, housing and evolution of European cities. Very interesting project is Horizon 2020 with the objective of excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges. The goal is to ensure Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation.
Study programs in English
The Faculty of Arts offers study programs in the English language. There are British and American studies offered full-time and part-time, there is an entrance exam being organized in Kosice. The admission test is a written test with special points for extra curricular activities.
There are 2 masters programs: British and American studies and Psychology. There are 10 students accepted for the program of Psychology with tuition fees of 4500€ per academic year. The Master’s Degree Programme Psychology prepares graduates for practice in three basic areas: clinical psychology, counseling and school psychology, and psychology of work and organizations. During the study, the graduates will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical competencies for diagnostics, intervention, prevention, and research in the above areas. The study allows specialization by selecting the compulsory subjects and provides the universal psychological education that enables to become successful in different fields in different job positions. The graduates can work in the field of health-care as clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists, in education and social care as counseling and school psychologists, in industrial and organizational areas as work psychologists, as well as researchers in research institutions.