If you are a new student at Technical University or pursuing a student this article will help you to understand the system at dormitories of Technical University in Kosice.
There are 6 dormitories in Kosice for TUKE (Bozeny Nemcovej 1, Urbankova 2, (these two dorms are preferably assigned to mechanical students) Jedlikova 5, Jedlikova 9, Jedlikova 13 (Jedlikova dormitories are assigned mainly to economics, electrical engineering and informatics students), Rampova 7 (Rampova is assigned preferably to aeronautics students) and 2 dormitories in Presov (Budovatelska 13, Budovateľska 31 (for students of manufacturing technologies of FMT TUKE). (you can click on the name of the dormitory to get contact details and pictures). There are usually canteens or cafeterias located at dormitories: in order to use them, you need to have an ISIC card (student ID card) that has balance recharged. A certain amount (usually 30-50% of a bill) is being deducted after each purchase from the canteen. For exact conditions, it is recommended to check precise conditions at the canteen.
Lets now answer all questions and rules at dormitories.
Overview: 1. How to start a contract? 2. Rules for payment of dormitories fees 3. Dormitory rules, hygienic rules and penalties 4. Internet, washing machine and cleaning 5. Reservation of dormitory bed for next academic year 6. Cancellation of dormitory contract before June 7. Shifting out from a dormitory in JuneHow to start a contract?
- How to start a dorm contract? The most important rule is, that you must be a student in order to stay at Dormitory. If you are not enrolled at University or your studies are interrupted, you must either unregister from the dormitory or pay the amount for non-students (around 10€ a day). Another very important rule is to reserve the bed and pay reservation fee. The reservation fee is 100€ and is due by the end of July. If you sign a contract in September, you do not need to pay 300€, but 200€. If you pay the reservation fee and decide for a private flat, you cannot get a reservation fee back. An accommodation contract is always for a time period of September – June. Once you sign a contract, you need either to stay up to June or pay a cancellation fee of 30€ per month. We will speak about the prior cancellation of the contract later on. If you are a student and wish to start a contract, you will need to bring the following documents with you: passport and confirmation of payment (300€). If you are a new student, you must pay dorm fees within 3 days from arrival to Slovakia. After those 3 days, there is a penalty of 0,50€ per day of delay. If you are below 18 years, please bring notary confirmation from your parents, that they agree with your stay in a dormitory. [su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxO4So8T_2w” width=”340″ height=”260″]
2. Rules for payment of dormitory fees The dormitory rent for one month is 100€, but rent is paid quarterly (not monthly). The contract starts in September (even if you come to Slovakia in October, your contract will officially start in September and you need to pay rent for September as well). Only bank transfer is possible; cash or debit card payments are not possible. Bank transfers in Slovakia work only on working days (Monday to Friday except for state holidays), take 2 working days to be completed and do not work on Saturdays and Sundays. Therefore make sure to pay a full balance minimum of 2 working days before the deadline. The rent is due every quarter for 3 months (it means 300€). If the full payment is not credited on time (e.g. only 200€ instead of 300€ is paid), then a penalty is still counting. Monthly payments are possible only in case of approval from boss of dormitories in very urgent cases (e.g. death of family relative, serious financial situation at home etc). Please check the following link to get full information on the bank account, variable symbols, and specific symbols: https://www.studyinslovakia.sk/faqs/rent-technical-university-of-kosice/ Here are deadlines for payment of dormitory rent: 2.1 The first payment is 200€ (from 1.9. to 30.11. – September, October, November), because the September rent was paid already in July as reservation fee. The payment is due before the signature of the contract or within 3 days after signing the contract 2.2 Second payment – 300€ (from 1.12. to 28.2. – December, January, February) – make transfer a minimum of 2 working days before the 30th of November. There is a penalty of 0,50€ per day of delay (for example, if you pay rent on the 1st of December, then money will be credited on the 3rd of December. The penalty will be 1€). 2.3 Third payment – 300€ (March, April, May) must be credited by the 28th of February – again please make sure to deposit money min. 2 working days before the deadline. There is a penalty of 0,50€ per day of delay. 2.4 Forth payment – 100€ (June) must be done before the start of June 2.5 Summer accommodation – 100€ or 200€ – in case you wish to stay at the dormitory during the summer holiday (July and August), you will need to sign a special summer contract. The contract is arranged either for one or two months and once it’s signed, you cannot cancel it (which means you cannot get refund of paid dormitory fees in case you decide to leave sooner). Graduates may also apply for a summer holiday with the same conditions (1 month – 100€ or 2 months – 200€), but they need to leave the dormitory by September 1st.
3. Dormitory rules, hygienic rules, and penalties Here are the most important rules for students who wish to stay at dormitory:
3.1 every student is obliged to report any deficiencies in the room immediately after shifting into a dormitory. If a problem is not reported, a student must pay the damaged inventory before un-registration.
3.2 ensure cleaning and keep the room and other premises clean during the stay – cleaning ladies at dormitories are responsible only for cleaning corridor and kitchen floor, toilets, and bathrooms. They are not responsible for cleaning students’ rooms or taking garbage to the bin. This means that every student is responsible for his / her own room and if the room is not clean, he/she could be penalized.
3.3 students are obliged to pay the full amount (=300€) for accommodation within prescribed periods. Do not forget to use variable symbols (your contract number) and a specific symbol (code of dormitory). If you are not sure about it, please contact the dormitory office to get proper instructions for payment. Do not forget that every day of delay in payment of rent means 0,50€ penalty.
3.4 Comply with safety regulations and fire preventions – especially it is forbidden to use cookers and electrical appliances in your rooms – please use them only in kitchen 3.5 smoking and drinking alcohol in room is prohibited. Parties after 10 pm are prohibited
4. Internet, washing machine, gym, and cleaning
4.1 Internet, washing machine and gym – these services are being offered by the Student council (in Slovak: Občianske združenie) in each dormitory. The Student council is a different entity from dormitories, therefore there is need for additional payment to a different bank account. Registration procedure can be found under this link: https://userpanel.pcklub.sk/help/registracia-uzivatela-eng.html The cost of these services per semester (=6 months) is 27€. The amount is due to be transferred to the following bank account: IBAN: SK1009000000005027194864 Amount: 27€ Variable symbol: you will get one from userpanel.pcklub.sk Only bank transfer is possible (credit cards or cash payments are not possible) The Internet can be used only by one device (e.g. computer), so the network is not overloaded. Please do not use your computer as a hotspot for other devices, e.g. mobile phones. In case of too big traffic, the PC Club can block its users. Washing machine – there are special rooms for washing machines at dormitories. You may request keys to these rooms at the reception of the dormitory by presenting your ISIC card. Please return the key to reception immediately after your washing is done. Gym – you may proceed in the same way in order to get access to the gym. After using it, please clean the machines and equipment and return keys to the reception.
4.2 Cleaning – every student is responsible for cleaning his / her room. Cleaning ladies clean only common premises. Dormitory offices are doing regular checkups in rooms and are authorized to enter students’ rooms. Those students with dirty rooms are penalized. The first penalty is 15€, second is 25€ and the third penalty is 40€ and exclusion from the dormitory. After exclusion from the dormitory, every student must find a new apartment on his / her own and announce a new address to Foreign police within 5 working days. Please note that the price of a private apartment outside of the dormitory is usually 150-200€ per bed or single room. What are things checked by the dorm office during checkups most often: – cleanness of rooms, bathrooms, and toilets – presence of cookers or induction plates in rooms – dust and dirtiness of floor, a lot of trash and garbage in rooms or common premises – cleanness of fridge
5. Reservation of dormitory bed for next academic year In case you will study in the next academic year as well, you need to reserve it, usually before mid of April. You can also select which dormitory you would like to be assigned to you, but the dormitory office must approve your request. They will do it only if you paid all dormitory fees in the previous year and have not been penalized in hygienic controls. You can find complete manual how to fill in dormitory request here: https://www.studyinslovakia.sk/faqs/practical-information/reservation-of-accommodation-tuke/
6. Cancellation of dormitory contract before June In case you wish to cancel dormitory contract before June, you will need to do the following steps: – firstly you need to pay accommodation fees for a given month when are you leaving – for example, if you decide to leave in the middle of March, you will still need to pay the full amount (=100€) for a whole month. This payment you will need to do to following bank account: IBAN: SK97 8180 0000 0070 0008 4912 Name of bank: Statna pokladnica SWIFT: SPSRSKBAXXX Variable symbol: as per your contract number The second payment, which you need to do is to pay a cancellation fee – it is 30€ per month left to June (e.g. if you wish to leave in March, there are 3 months left – April, May and June. Total cancellation fee will be 90€). This payment needs to be done to following bank account: IBAN: SK2581800000007000084947 Name of bank: Statna pokladnica SWIFT: SPSRSKBAXXX Message for recipient: your full name Once these payments are done, you can go to the dorm office and show them receipts. They will give you a paper called Odchodka (leaving paper). This paper cleaning lady will sign once you clean your room. Finally, please keep your keys and bedsheets at the dorm office or reception.
7. Shifting out from dormitory in June Classes at Technical University in Kosice are by June end. This means that you will need to unregister by end of June. How does unregistration works? Firstly you need to go to the dorm office and ask for Odchodka (leaving paper). Cleaning lady needs to sign it and she will check the following things before giving you signature: – room is completely clean and there are no personal things of students left (unless your roommate is still staying there) – if you have a fridge, there cannot be any ice or water inside. Therefore turn off the fridge one day prior unregistering – if you have a toilet and bathroom, they must be clean (even if you have still roommate to be unregistered) – there cannot be any garbage or trash anywhere in the room or common premises Once your room is cleaned, there are no damages or inventory missing – cleaning lady will sign Odchodka and you can go back to dorm office. If there is still your roommate staying in shared room, Following things should be presented at dorm office once you are unregistering: – Odchodka (leaving paper) signed by cleaning lady – bed sheets – keys from room – if any payment is pending (e.g. June rent), you need to provide bank transfer slip