LINGEA – Slovak phrasebook
This phrase book will enable foreigners to make themselves understood both in every day as well as in emergency situations and to efficiently communicate with Slovak natives. The emphasis is on practical and active communication, clear arrangement and ease of reference. The phrase book also contains easy to understand and simple phonetic transcription to help foreigners pronounce Slovak phrases fluently.
2 600 sentences and phrases
1 600 thematic words
6 000 dictionary entries
Slovak for you – Iveta Božoňová
A little manual of Slovak conversation for foreigners offers everyday phrases and basic expressions for any situation. Its pocketsize enable you to have it with you all the time.
96 pages
Publisher: IKAR
Published: 2016
Slovak for you – with 2 CDs, Textbook
These two CDs complement with well-established textbook of Slovak language. Textbook has really positive response from prospective students Slovak. They are formed on the basis of English and bring comprehensive look on Slovak language.
20 pages
Published: 2010