The Faculty was founded in 1952 altogether with the Technical University in Kosice – the original name was Faculty of mettalurgy. After 65 years, the name was changed to the Faculty of materials, metallurgy and recycling. The faculty gained a strong name and importance because of the presence of the metallurgy industry in Košice. You can find English presentation attached.
From 1st of January 2016, the faculty changed its structure and departments were transferred into three institutes:
a) Institute of metallurgy (which contains Department of Ferrous and Foundry Metallurgy, Department of Furnaces and Thermal Technology, Department of Ceramics),
b) Institute of materials and quality management (which contains Department of Materials Science, Department of Metal Forming, Department of Integrated Management)
c) Institute of Recycling technologies (which contains the Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment, Department of Chemistry)
Currently, the Faculty offers 6 Bachelor programs, 11 Master programs and 9 PhD. programs.
There are also plenty of international graduates of Faculty of materials, mettalurgy and recycling – they came from countries like Algeria, Angola, Equator, Ethiopia, Yemen, Jordan, Korea, Cuba, Laos, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nigeria, Peru, Syria, Vietnam and Libya.
Scientific research at the Faculty
The scientists and professors within The Faculty of materials, metallurgy and recycling have plenty of results, for example: 81 monographs and textbooks, 205 scripts, 6000 scientific and expert papers. The staff of the Faculty participated in over 1700 research projects. There were also scientific results that were implemented all over the world, for example:
- the thermodynamic school of pyro-metallurgical production of copper and in world for the first time patented process of continuous copper production by authors – professor Juraj Schmiedl and associate professors František Sehnálek and Július Holéczy
- Košice phractography school of professor Vojtech Karel
- analytical spectrochemical school of professor Mikuláš Matherny
- the school of furnaces thermodynamics led by professor Svatopluk Černoch.
International cooperation of The Faculty
Faculty has maintained and still maintains fruitful collaboration with the renowned Universities among which named may be RWTH Aachen, Tohoku University Sendai, University of technology Helsinki-Espoo, Laval University Québec, Imperial College of London, NTH Trondheim, TU Berlin, BergAkademie Freiberg, MISIS Moscow, TU Stuttgart, AGH Cracow and many other. In particular mentioned should be contacts and co-operation with the Universities which are, similarly as the Faculty of Metallurgy the cultural heirs and spiritual followers of the Academy of Mining of Banská Štiavnica: University of Miskolc, VŽB Technical University of Ostrava and Montanuniversität in Leoben.
Important partners of the Faculty
The Faculty of materials, metallurgy and recycling develops a relationship with companies in metallurgical industry. The students have opportunity to go for internships, write Bachelor or Master thesis, and be in direct touch with relevant companies. The most important companies the faculty cooperates with are U. S. Steel Košice – the biggest stell producer in Slovakia, Železiarne Podbrezová – stell producer in Slovakia, OFZ Istebné, Slovalco, a.s. – aluminum producer, SPP, a.s. – gas producer and distributor in Slovakia, Žiarska hutnícka spoločnosť – metallurgical company, Rautenbach Slovakia, SMZ Jelšava – biggest mining and processing magnesite plant in Slovakia, Outokumpu Finland, Třinecké železárny – stell producer, Vítkovice Steel – steep producer, Alcan Dečín and so on.