Heidar Khorshidiyeh is student of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University (FEEI) in Košice. He agreed to share his opinion and experiences about this Faculty with us. If you are interested in finding out more information about Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics in Kosice, please click on hypertext link.
Can you please say few words about you?
My name is Heidar Khorshidiyeh and I was born in Al-Ain city in United Arab Emirates, but have Iranian nationality. I decided to study Informatics at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at Technical University in Kosice. I started in 2015, now I begin 3rd semester.
How did you learn about option to study at FEEI in Slovakia and what were the main reasons for coming to Kosice?
I have plenty of friends who studied at Faculty of Medicine in Kosice. When I visited Slovakia back in 2009, their references of both city and people were so good, that I decided to study here.
Can you describe level of education, teachers and professors at Faculty?
The level of education is high and teachers are really highly educated. I am really satisfied with my choice of University.
Which are yours most favorite subjects and why? And which subjects were the hardest?
My favourite subject is definitely mathematics, which I enjoyed since high school. If I should name some of the hardest subjects, it would definitely be Java script for web designing and programming.
What are the main benefits of studying in Kosice for international students?
It is definitely new experience for foreign students to live and study abroad. Kosice is quite and comfortable city for foreign students with friendly people. One can make a huge progress during his or her studies.
To which company or profession do you wish to apply after graduation?
Actually, I am a business man. I am working for myself and I’m studying just to improve my knowledge. Education and insight I get here is really useful and beneficial for my business. Investment I made will definitelly return in a few years after graduation.
How do you like the city? Does is provide many opportunities for leisure time?
I really like Kosice, because it has amazing nature around. You can enjoy during weekend with your friends during trips or sit for coffee in one of the cafeterias at Hlavna street.
Thank you very much for your insight Heidar!
For those of you, who are interested to study at Faculty of Electrical engineering and Informatics, do not hesitate to contact us. We are glat to help you with your application. Academic year starts in September and consists of 2 semesters (Winter and Summer Semester).